If you are wondering which first pet would be the perfect for small children, this post is for you. I’m sure you know what it’s like to take your child to a pet store! They want to take every one of the animals home. But, all pets are not right for all...
Did you ever think about the social benefits of kids owning pets? There are! Last time I wrote a blog post about moving with pets and if you have moved to a new area, I’d like to point out the benefits of having pets, especially for kids a new environment. What...
Pets in summer heat can be dangerous and as the days begin to heat up again, our pets may begin to suffer. Since our furry friends can’t speak, it’s easy for us to forget about or neglect their needs on hot days. Here are some tips for making sure your...
Pet behavior can be oh-so- cute and pleasant or, well, not-so-much at times. Good Pet Behavior makes us happy. In fact, studies show that pet ownership helps reduce stress, lowers blood pressure and fends off feelings of loneliness and depression. On the other hand,...
Taking pet photos of our beloved pets can turn out great, but too often, not so great. However, the good news is, taking awesome pet photos can be easily accomplished! Below are some tips to help you in taking pet photos for showing off (and preserving) those adorable...