818.506.1311 | Cell: 818.422.9595 Sabina@PetsNanny.net

Cat Diabetes – Info – Cause? Symptoms? Treatments? Care?

Cat diabetes is a concern to more cat owners than you probably realized. Though this disease is more common in humans, animals get it, too. Get the facts! Here’s what the ASPCA says about cat diabetes: Diabetes in cats is a complex disease caused by either a...

Adopting a Cat? Which Should You Choose – Kitten or Adult?

Thinking about adopting a cat? Your cat will depend on you throughout its life – around 15 years, with proper care. So it’s important to factor in a budget for visits to the vet and other costs before adopting a cat. That budget includes the cost of cat food,...

Cat Breeds – 70 Distinct Recognized Breeds

There are over 70 distinct cat breeds recognized by cat registries, though some registries exclude breeds such as tiger cats. Registries generally report only around 50 breeds. There are some cat breeds having roots going way back in history.  Some Japanese breeds,...

Healthy Cat Tips – Food, Fun, Safety and Special Care

We all want our cats to be happy and these healthy cat tips go a long way in satisfying them. It’s a reality that you will need a great deal of commitment to own a cat. They require some care (though not as much as dogs). Cats can live as old as 15 years (or...

Vegetables Dogs Can Eat – Cats Are Different

There are vegetables dogs can eat and love to nibble on but not so much for cats. Dogs can eat around 30% plant foods in their daily diet. Cats only require around 5-10%. Vegetables in your dog’s diet, and minor amounts in your cat’s diet, can enhance their health and...

Cat Care – Better, Longer, Happier, Healthier Life

These days, cats are among the most popular pet you can own, which makes cat care an important topic. Cat Care Tip #1 Feeding your pet will depend a great deal on his age. Older cats require two small meals or one large meal for the day.  Kittens on the other hand,...