Wondering what are the best dog toys? Browse through the dog toys below and see what fits your pet and your budget.
For dogs who love to chew:
1. Kong Jump’n Jack
Kong Jump’n Jacks are dog toys offering a teeth cleaner and gum exerciser at the same time. They has a very unpredictable bounce that makes it a lot more fun for the dog to play with. It has a lot more surfaces that clean dog’s teeth. Kong Jump’n Jack also has slits that are useful for the gums to be exercised.
2. Squirrel Dude (Busy Buddy)
These are unique and innovative rubber dog toys. They have four rubber prongs that cover the hole a bit which challenges the dog to give more effort to taste the food treats inside. The Squirrel Dude is durable and very chewable.
3. Biscuit Block (Animal Planet)
This chew toy has four grabbing chambers distributed throughout the toy. Varieties of dog treats can be inserted inside to keep pets happy and busy. It has a crazy bounce brought about by its square shape with cut corners.
4. Ball Stomp’r (Launch and Throw Ball Toys)
These dog toys enable younger or older dog owners to have a great time playing with their dogs. The Ball Stomp’r is the first ball launcher of its kind. The ball needs to be loaded, then stomped on and it will eject to a height reaching 100 feet with the regular ball. The mini Ball Stom’r can reach up to a height of 60 feet. This toy has its own ball but tennis balls are a good substitute. This toy is tough, water proof and very dog friendly. This is not chew-proof though so it should be kept after using. The dimension of a regular-sized Ball Stomp’r is 12 inches in length that uses a tennis ball sized ball. The smaller type is 9 inches long and uses a ball with the size of 2 inches.
4. Dinosaur Egg Baby (Plush Puppies) – Intelligence Building Toy
The Dinosaur Egg Baby has three eggs inside that give out a squeaking sound. It has a secret opening underneath to test dog’s instinct in getting hidden rewards. It is 6 inches in height, 5 inches wide and 12 inches long.
The Overall Benefit of Dog Toys
Dog Toys help to exercise dogs, cleanse their teeth, rejuvenate their jumping ability and test their intelligence. A complete set of these toys would definitely make owners be much more loved by their pets.
You can get these and other dog toys at any pet store such as Pet Smart. It just depends on your dog and your budget.
Have fun!!!
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