Moving with pets can prove difficult. Not only do your pets get nervous but this adds to your own stress. By trade, I’m a realtor and own a professional pet sitting company so I get lots of questions about moving with pets. There are important things to take...
Oh goodness! Not only is your precious pet ill but now you have pet medication from the vet that you have to get inside him! How in the world are you going to do this? Even if the pet medication tastes good (and it often doesn’t), getting your pet to take it can...
The winter blues for your pet starts when the sun doesn’t shine as often and colder weather sets in. Yup, all that fun seems to come to screeching halt! If you also don’t have as much time to pay attention to him or her, all the worse for those pesky...
First aid is good to know, especially when it comes to children who get bit by a pet. You may think your pet won’t bite, but it happens! Even when the most behaved and well-mannered pet comes into contact with an inquisitive child, particularly one they...
When it comes to winter pet care, there’s more than just the cold to be concerned with. In hopes of helping you be sure your pet is safe, I’ve come up with a list of things you need to take into consideration: First – How Cold Is It? Every year when...
It can be heart-wrenching your pet is lost, and sometimes it’s hard to think clearly about what to do. Lists with clear directives can help. With that in mind, here are some simple steps you can take in finding lost pets. 1. Remember the nooks and crannies...